as the title of the thread says Robert Jensen of Dallas Cowboys fame will review the 2021 playoffs.
reporter = knowingly have a record of 8-3 which is better than last season's 7-4 can we expect you do better next season??
Jensen = well only a person can do is do better each season especially when there is room for improvement on the picks.
reporter= knowing that Washington Redskins won the 2nd time just like the Chicago Bears did do you expect that Washington could win a 3rd time??
Jensen = well knowingly they are the defending champion the only way they could not win a 3rd time in a row is they don't the make playoffs or they get beat in the playoffs if they make it.
reporter = now here are the threads for this season's playoff rounds that Robert Jensen picked .
League championship = championship = Round = round = again = so with out of the way Robert Jensen do you have anything to say for the playoffs and the coming season??
Jensen = yes for the playoffs out of the 11 playoff games only 1 was close so really have to say that the postseason was not exciting at all though hope people got their money's worth. Yes for the coming season hopefully now the Atlanta Falcons , Dallas Cowboys , New Orleans Saints and Oakland Raiders will make the playoffs so we wont have a team without a playoff appearance. also really good luck to all teams in the coming free agency then in the draft then the late free agency then the preseason then the regular season.
reporter = can we expect another review of your team's free agency and draft ??
Jensen = I would say so unless I decide to RETIRE or get fired from my job where someone else does it.
reporter = well then good luck to you in free agency and the draft talk to you later.
Jensen = thanks and will talk to you later.
Last edited at 6/08/2016 4:14 pm